We make it easy to spot students with rising absence before it becomes a problem.
With dedicated dashboards for teachers, guidance counsellors, school leaders, school secretaries, parents and caseworkers you always see the information that is relevant for you.

A teacher has access to attendance statistics for their students, courses and classes.
They can drill down and see detailed information and export to PDF or Excel. Teachers also get live attendance statistics while they register attendance.
Attender highlights students that you should be aware of.

The School leader dahsboard gives a quick overview of everything attendance related. And with the option to drill down into comprehensive statistics.
They can search out students, classes, courses. Sort by % absent. See reasons for absence. Approve holiday requests and much more.
The dashboard contains many features very valuable to always be informed.

A guidance counsellor can see statistics on individual students, course and classes. And create observation lists.
This makes it easier to stay informed and act on students before their absence gets too high.

Parents want to be informed. That’s why parents have access to their children’s attendance date. They also have the option to report their child sick or request holiday.
Teachers can write or see a note for why a student is absent. But to make it even easier, you can select a tag for absence reasons. That means you can then do statistics on absence reasons. Individual schools can have their absence tags.
If a student’s absence suddenly rises in one week, then our movers n shakers algorithm will show you. It’s a clever way of notifying of which students that may not have alarmingly high absence, but you might want to be aware of.
The heatmap shows when a student is most absent. This gives an easy overview of when the absence is occuring. The more red, the more absence. If you hover of the individual blocks, you will see more information.
This allows you to see what a students future absence will be if they show up to all classes or to none at all. This can be seen as a total or by individual class/course. The feature is particularly helpfull for school where students cannot take your exam if your absence is more 20%.
You can easily create an observation list so the students you are following always stay on top of the lists.
Data from Attender can be easily exported via the Attender API. If you want to make your own reports in Microsoft PowerBI where you can combine it with other data. Or feed attendance data into an AI to gather more insights.
There is already built in export to pdf and excel. And we do offer to making custom reporting.
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Vi har brugt meget tid sammen med skoler og undervisere for at sikre os at Attender opfylder deres behov. Der skal bruges mindre tid på fraværsregistrering og mere tid på undervisning.
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