Many teachers waste a lot of instructional time on attendance registration. See how Attender takes back that wasted time.
With 4 different ways to make attendance, teacher select their favourite way and save minutes on registering attendance every day

When a teacher opens Attender, it already knows what the time is and automatically shows the current lesson. Mark red for not present, green for present and yellow for late (with the option of selecting how many minutes late).
You can also mark everyone present or not present at one.

The gridview gives you bigger pictures and smaller text. This ensures you can see more students on the screen at once. Which is beneficial for larger classes.
Not all lessons take place in the classroom. That’s why we have also built a very mobile friendly interface. And with our swipe view, its super easy to mark students one by one. You swipe right to mark present, left to mark not present and swipe up to mark late.
If you want to save time or get an overview of all your lessons and students for the day. Then Attenders’ all-day view gives you an easy way to mark attendance for a whole day at a time.
Not all lessons take place in the classroom. That’s why we have also built a very mobile friendly interface. And with our swipe view, its super easy to mark students one by one. You swipe right to mark present, left to mark not present and swipe up to mark late.
When you register attendance, you will automatically get live statistics. Attender shows the students’ absence for this course but also for the whole class. This means you can easily spot students with high absence without having to dig for data in a statistics interface.
The live statistics can be switched off if you are taking attendance on a smartboard or similar.
Remember that Attender is available in any browser, iOS, Android and in Microsoft Teams. So, no matter if you are in the classroom or on the football field, attendance taking is a breeze.
Change registration: The school selects how many days back and forth in time a teacher can change a registration
Search: A teacher can search out students, classes and courses
Register for others: And a teacher can also search out other teachers and mark their attendance in case of illness or lastminute class swaps.
Guest teacher: There is even an option for guest teachers that can only see their lessons and nothing more.
We also have the option to factor in academic merit, maternity leave and many other special scenarios. Thus, making Attender a truly comprehensive attendance platform.
Automatic Registration instead of Manual Registration
If you want to make attendance registration even easier, then you can make students self-register with QR Codes or other options. Link to QR Code
Intelligent Statistics
Teachers have access to statistics on their students. Read more about the statistics options and interfaces in Attender here: Attender Statistics.
Remember you can always try Attender Demo for free to see how easy it is
Link Attender DEMO
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