
and the science behind motivated students

In the realm of education, the concept of gamification has been gaining traction as a powerful tool to enhance student motivation and engagement.

How does gamification in Attender work?

The gamification aspect of Attender is designed to motivate students to attend class by making the process engaging and rewarding. Here’s how it works:

Attender Badges

Students can earn up to 8 different Attender badges for showing up to class.

Each badge represents a different achievement, adding an element of challenge and accomplishment to class attendance.

Some badges can also be levelled up. This encourages consistency and regularity in attendance.

Attender Streaks

Attender streaks are earned for each consecutive day a student attends class.

This feature taps into the psychological concept of ‘streaks’ which motivates individuals to maintain their progress.

The longer the streak, the more motivated students are to keep it going.

Attender Coins

For every minute a student attends class, they earn Attender Coins.

This direct correlation between time spent in class and rewards earned provides a tangible incentive for students to maximize their class attendance.

Attender Rewards

The Attender Coins earned by the students then can be redeemed for Attender Rewards.

These rewards are set up and customised by schools and could range from small privileges to larger prizes, providing a wide range of incentives for students to attend class.

When asked about the gamification feature of Attender students said

“Syntes det pisse fedt layout”


“Det er overskueligt og godt designet”


“Det giver mere lyst til fremmøde da der går lidt konkurrence i den”


“Jeg elsker det”


“Man får slik”


“Det er en super god ide som giver lyst til at komme fordi du faktisk for noget fysisk ud af det”


In conclusion, the gamification features of Attender – badges, streaks, coins, and rewards – work together to create a system that not only motivates students to attend class but also makes the process fun and engaging.

By tapping into the natural human love for games and rewards, Attender successfully encourages class attendance, enhancing the overall learning experience.

For empirical evidence and the science behind gamifiaction read our blog post.

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