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Hurtig registrering
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Trusted by


More Motivated Students


Active Users




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Attender is built to make attendance registration fast. Our mission is to save teachers’ precious time.

More teaching, less administration.

We have 4 unique interfaces to mark attendance. Additionally, there is an option for students-selfregistration, using QR codes.


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Attender is built to make attendance registration fast. Our mission is to save teachers’ precious time.

More teaching, less administration.

We have 4 unique interfaces to mark attendance. Additionally, there is an option for students-selfregistration, using QR codes.



Student dropouts cost schools money, lower educational standards and damage schools’ reputation.

At Attender, we believe you go further with a carrot than a whip. That’s why students using our gamification and reward system say they are 92% more motivated to attend classes.

Interested to know how gamification works?

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See what the schools say

Attender removed repetitive tasks and helped our teachers focus on students

Synergos, Netherlands

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Try Attender for free

No waiting, get a demo link right away

If you fill out the form, we will send you a link to our demo version. we will also add you to our newsletter so you will always be up to date on Attender news. You can naturally always unsubscripe right away.

Mere om Attender

Attender er udviklet sammen med skoler

Vi har brugt meget tid sammen med skoler og undervisere for at sikre os at Attender opfylder deres behov. Der skal bruges mindre tid på fraværsregistrering og mere tid på undervisning.

Attender er Microsoft Partner og udviklet i samarbejde med Microsoft.

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Vi er super glade for du gerne vil vide mere om Attender. Udfyld formularen og så tager vi fat i dig hurtigst muligt.
